Dark Realms Lord Of The Winds Walkthrough

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Sep 04, 2016 Features of Dark Realm Lord of the Winds Collectors Edition. Following are the main features of Dark Realm Lord of the Winds Collectors Edition PC Game that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.

  • NEW OBJECTIVE Realm travel back to Midgard

Once we regain control, go through the next set of doors and go down the elevator to be back in the Travel Room. A little scene plays as we go down where we can see Kratos being consumed by regret. I'm feeling so bad for him right now! Go to the center of the room and return to Midgard. It seems Mimir knows Baldur's vulnerability, but he's bewitched and cannot speak. Dang it! We will find it. Head back to Brok's shop and yet some more scenes will take place.

  1. Examine it using the two-part process described at the beginning of this walkthrough. Feel free to click on the mattress, to hear the heroine's comment about the makeshift bed.' Close up on the books in the lower-right portion of the crate. The heroine will read the titles of the books. As she finishes, click on the Eye icon to hear Poirot say.
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Dark Realm Lord Of The Winds Walkthrough

Yay!!! This scene made us so happy! They are finally back on speaking terms! When you regain control, speak to them again (press Triangle) and they'll offer to make us a new set of armor, Dwarven Armor of Legend. We do need to get some ingredients, however. This starts a new Favor, Hail to the King.

Before we leave, speak to the brothers again and make sure to Upgrade your Blades of Chaos using the item we got from that completely random enemy Hel Viken in Helheim. They will reach max level and we'll get a trophy for it!

Why fight it?: Fully upgrade the Blades of Chaos.

After that, you can also see that we have a lot more armor we can craft, but all these need items that you can only find in the Niflheim Realm. We will be going there shortly, but first let's go complete the Favor from the Huldra Brothers!

Hail to the King

We need to go to Konunsgard, which is northwest of the Lake of Nine. Use the Mystic Gateway here and travel to King's Hollow. We've been here before, so go ahead and travel here!

Go ahead and place the Entry Stone on the pedestal right in front of you and it'll open up the large double doors behind it. Go through them, go up two ledges and in the valley you'll be able to see some Blue Bramble to your right. Burn it down to reveal a chain (Note that there's some Hacksilver behind you... may as well grab it real quick). Go down it and look to the right to find two stacks of Hacksilver. Now go up the wall to the right and up here you'll find a Lore Marker [25/37].

Proceed a bit forward and you'll find Sindri's Shop and further past him is our new area, Konunsgard! It seems there's a dragon here as well, similar to Fafnir over on the east side of the Lake of Nine. From the outlook, go left and you'll have a couple of Hel Reavers walk towards you, one from the left path (past the poison pot) and another one from the right path. After you kill them, go ahead and freeze the poison pot and follow this path. This takes us to a coffin and past it, another one of Odin's Ravens [40/51].

When you open the coffin you'll be ambushed by some more Hel enemies. There's a shielded Hel enemy here as well, so take care of it first. Pick up the look from their corpses, return past the poison pot and follow the other path across the bridge. You'll be attacked by yet another Hel Reaver, so kill it and once again the path will split. Going left will lead you to a Hel Archer and some Hacksilver, so nab it from the floor, return and follow the next path under the arch.

You'll spot a Mystic Gateway on the left side, so approach it to activate it and kill the Hel Guard that tries to be cheeky and surprise you. Continue going down and even more Hel enemies will appear at the split in the path. Deal with the Hel Archer on top first and then focus on the Hel Guard. To the right you'll find a dead end with a chain on the top. We'll have to come around to get to the chain. Let us follow the path to the left now.

Continue down the valley, freeze the poison pot and cross the little bridge to find the front door of the stronghold. Start by picking up the Konunsgard Stronghold Entry Stone from the corpse here and then you'll be able to go either left or right. Also note that the pedestal here requires us to get a total of 3 Entry Stones, so we're one down. Let us go left first (south-southwest). Freeze the poison pot and burn the blue bramble as you get to it. When you can, jump across the gap and you'll have to fight a pair of Wulvers.

These are regular Wulvers, so there's not much to say. You can use the gap you previously used to help you out fighting them. Also make good use of Atreus' Shock Arrows to keep them pinned down. In this little area you can find a crystal socket (it's been a while since we've seen one of these), which we'll be using in a little bit. Continue through the tunnel and go right when possible to find an open area with... a Soul Devourer! This Soul Devourer is the exact same as previous Soul Eaters, and even though there is no central pillar for you to abuse, you can always return in the tunnel if you feel you're in trouble. They have a much higher defense and will take more hits to kill it, but using Atreus' Light Arrows to stun him works wonders here.

Pick up the loot after the fight (random loot as well as a Seidr Sigil of Runic Power Rare Enchantment) and burn the bramble to reveal a coffin with Symbol of Courage inside. Now, you can find some Winds of Hel here, but before we grab them, run to the top of the slope and burn the blue bramble. Cross the tight ledge up here to find the Winds of Hel holder. We'll be coming back to this shortly. Up ahead, however, is a pair of wolves. Kill them and you'll be in another path split.

To the left we have another Winds of Hel holder across the gap, so we cannot go this way. Go right and jump down to the little river. You'll be able to find in front of you, on top, your light crystal inside a bucket. Break it down and pick it up. Now go to the gate, open it up and you'll be in the tunnel right outside the Soul Devourer arena. Kill the wolves that ambush you and go right to place the crystal in its socket. You'll be attacked by a couple of wolves and another Wulver, so place the crystal down and kill them. Shoot it with a light arrow to form a bridge.

Now go back to the Winds of Hell, grab them, go up the slope and cross the light bridge. Place the Winds on the holder and then grab them once again and run to the next holder, across the gap. Go through the newly opened doors, grab the Hacksilver and go up the ledge to find your second Entry Stone!

Kick down the chain afterwards and proceed back to the main entrance to the Stronghold. Place your Entry Stone and this time, a couple rifts will open, popping out some Hel Reavers and a Hel Viken. Nothing you can't handle at this point. Now let us go right (north), jump over the log and as you cross the bridge, look to the left inside the pond to find a sunken coffin. Break the log behind the coffin to free the water and have a couple Hel Walkers appear. Kill them and open up the coffin for Hardened Svartalfheim Steel +1, and World Serpent Scale +3. Kill the Hel Reaver walking around here as well and go southwest. Jump over the log and across the bridge to get in a fight with an Ogre and a couple Hel Archers on top of the pillars.

Throw your axe at the Archers first so you can focus only on the Ogre. Just like with previous Ogres, use your fists and Atreus' Light arrows to fill its stun gauge, then ride it and kill it. From here you can see a bridge going south that takes you to a wall you can climb. Do so and up here jump across the pillars where the Hel Archers were and STOP when you reach the platform with the coffin. Here, do a 180 degree turn and look DIRECTLY SOUTH. You can see over here a pretty hidden Odin's Raven [41/51].

The coffin has Solid Svartalfheim Steel +1, World Serpent Scale +3, and a Symbol of Heart. Now jump back across one gap (to be on the central pillar) and from here you can kill the Raven mentioned above. Return to where you climbed the wall and jump across the other gap to find some Hacksilver and continue down the path, kicking the chain on the left when you see it. Climb back up and you'll arrive at the Dragon's area.

This Dragon is called Reginn and it's up to us to liberate it. Run down the slope and you'll find an anchor holding down Reginn. We cannot break it just yet (you'll notice you need some runes to open it up), but stand to the right of it and look underneath the dragon to find another one of Odin's Ravens [42/51].

Continue down the path, jump across the gap and when you get to the open area you'll be attacked by some Seidr enemies, as well as a couple Cursed Tatzelwurms. Reginn will by attacking everybody from on top using a thunder beam identical to the one Fafnir used a couple chapters ago. Use the central boulder as a way to stay out of Reginn's sight and attack while you kill the enemies around here. Try your best to kill the Tatzelwurms first as they can get real annoying, real fast!

From here, look south and open up the gate to make a shortcut. Very nice. Now if you look under Reginn, you'll be able to find a shrine. Destroy it and you'll get a Dragon Shrines Destroyed [1/3].

From this shrine, go left and you'll see there's a small path going east. Follow it, kill the Seidr enemies here and destroy the shrine for a Dragon Shrines Destroyed [2/3].

Return and go right to find a large gate with 3 runes on top. You can also see some red sap to the right of the door and a cage to the left of the door. You need to hit all three bell runes to open it up. One bell is behind the red sap, the second one is behind the cage to the left and the final one is on top of the door. What you can do here is grab some red sap from the tree root and throw it to the red sap next to the door. Grab a second red sap cluster and throw it at the cage. Shoot them both and then throw your axe at the third rune on top of the door.

You'll have more than enough time to do this. Once you open the door, go through it and you'll spot some Tatzelwurms in the open area ahead. You can break down the oil pot hanging from the ceiling to deal massive damage to them. Once you kill them, raise the gate and drop down the bridge when you get to it. Make sure to look right as you cross to find another one of Odin's Ravens [43/51].

Continue along the path and examine the Lore Marker [26/37]. Jump across the gap and you'll be in the main area once again. You'll have to fight a pair of Cursed Tatzelwurms and a Dark Elf Lord. This fight can be tricky/annoying because the dragon will constantly attack you. It can be easy if you lure the enemies to the tunnel from whence we came to avoid being attacked by that dragon. Once you've taken care of the enemies, you'll find your third Entry Stone and the final shrine for a Dragon Shrines Destroyed [3/3].

With the shrine destroyed and the Entry Stone picked up, slide down using the rope and go back up the path to the southeast. Break the anchor to free Reginn and you'll obtain the Scale of the Mighty Epic Enchantment. The game also tells us Dragons Freed [2/3]. Only one more to go!

Return to the entrance to the Stronghold and place the Entry Stone. Time to go in boys! As you come inside, take a right at the split and you'll find yourself a Jotnar Shrine [9/11]. It's been a while since the last one we saw!

Grab the Hacksilver from the corpse nearby and go west, up the ledge to find a coffin with Mark of the Element Epic Enchantment inside and a VERY HARD TO SEEOdin's Ravens [44/51] on top, sitting on the branches.

Return to the split and go south this time.Grab the Hacksilver in the room and go around until you find a couple of large doors. Go through them and you'll have to fight a Hel Traveler and a couple Hel Reavers. As per usual, we recommend you use Atreus' Light arrows and your bare hands to fill up the Traveler's stun gauge and press R3 to do massive amount of damage. His attacks are the same as previous Travelers, but after a certain amount of damage dealt, some Hel Reavers will pop out and attack you. If you have your Blades of Chaos' level 3 Spear of Chaos (Elemental Explosion), dealing with these enemies will be super easy.

After the fight, examine the wall where the blood trail ends and a scene plays. We've found the corpse of Motsognir, the Dwarf King. We'll also obtain Ultimate Sacrifice, Screams of the Innocent, and Dragon's Fury. Go up the staircase and when you get to the waterfall, go underneath it and open up the Legendary Chest [20/26] for Prometheus Flame Heavy Runic Attack for your Blades of Chaos. Return and continue going up the stairs.

Soon you'll find yourself in a split in the path. Go left to a Nornir Chest [16/17]. We need to find the three runes to open it up, of course, but we also see some Winds of Hel. You know what this means. Now, if you look AWAY from the chest (towards the hallway), you'll have a rune to the left and a rune to the right, each with a holder for the Winds underneath them. Here's what you need to know. When you place the winds in the holder, the bell rune will start spinning. The bell rune on the right only has one rune while the bell rune on the left has two. Here's a list on how to do it (all directions are as if you're looking AWAY from the chest):

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  1. Grab the Winds of Hel and place them in the holder to the right.
  2. Wait for the rune to appear on the bell rune and retrieve them.
  3. Run to the bell rune to the left and place them there to make the bell rune spin.

With that done, you need to throw your axe at the bell rune on the right first, run to the left and hit both runes when you see them. Sounds tricky, but the secret is to recall your axe as soon as it hits the bell rune. Open up the chest for a Symbol of Heart.

Return to the main path and go up the stairs. At the top, go right to find another Realm Tear. This time it'll release THREE Hel Viken level 7. These aren't as tough as the Wulvers on top of the tower (you should remember which ones), but they can still hit pretty bad. We recommend using your Blades of Chaos, mainly for the added range and Atreus' summons. A thing we found very useful (albeit rather cheap) is that you can use your Blades of Chaos' level 3 Spear of Chaos (Elemental Explosion), you can actually deal massive damage to them. Since they are very slow and like to walk right next to each other, this is the perfect skill to attack all three at the same time for massive damage.

NOTE: Do take heed that you cannot spear them directly, but you can spear the ground near them and have it explode for the same effect. Give it a try!

After the fight, approach the rift and get your rewards, Pure Essence of Realms, Dust of Realms, and Realm Tear Closed [12/18]. Also, for closing this Realm Tear you'll get the Perfect Eye of the Realm Epic Enchantment. Pretty neat! Now follow the path, kick down the chain and use the Mystic Gateway to travel back to Brok's Workshop in Tyr's Bridge. Speak to them and we'll get the Fire of Ares Heavy Runic Attack (this name brings back painful memories!), as well as a trophy for our efforts!

Like Oil and Water: Complete all of Brok and Sindri’s Favors.

Speak to them afterwards (with Triangle) for a couple of nice convos. Now check their inventory and you'll see we can now make the Brok's Royal Dwarven set and Sindri's Royal Dwarven set. Note that Brok's set focuses more on Strength and Defense while Sindri's focuses on Runic and Cooldown.

Despite the fact that these look really cool (especially Sindri's light-silver color), the Valkyrie 2-piece set is much better than these. We're still missing the Chest piece from the Valkyrie set, but we have equipped a piece from the Muspelheim item-required set.

And with this, this final Favor from these Brothers will come to an end.

Time to continue with the Journey. Leave the Shop and go down the stairs as if you were going inside Tyr's Vault again. Don't go in the doors. If you went around the lower area of the bridge like we wrote in one of the previous chapters, then you should already know where it is. Even Atreus will tell you about it. If not, go north and around the bridge until you find a large red and golden door!

  • NEW OBJECTIVE Explore Tyr's hidden chamber

As we go inside, you'll see a light crystal in front of you. Shoot it to make light bridge that you can cross to the main area, which is the Travel Room. Yep, we are underneath the Travel Room. Go right as you enter towards the light and examine it with Atreus. It seems this is the same thing that was protecting the Black Rune in the first vault. A wall opens up to top and further ahead a door opens up to the right. Go across the light bridge and follow the hallway until you reach a more open area to the right. Approach this area and you'll be in the Hall of Tyr.

You can find a sand bowl here that you can't interact with yet, but behind it is a rune on the wall in between the statues.

Have Atreus check it out and then interact with it yourself. Kratos will raise the whole platform and locate the two chains keeping it in place.

  • NEW OBJECTIVE Break the chains

The stautes here will stand up and reveal some runes across their chests. Have Atreus read them and he'll put them in the sand bowl. This makes a level come up. Flip it and we'll start going down. As you reach the bottom, before you even move, look behind you for a Jotnar Shrine [10/11].

Only one more Jotnar Shrine to go to find them all! Now go directly east in between the pillars to see a whole army of statues. From this room, we have two ways to go, either north or south. Let's go north first. There are more traps in these areas! Remember the hallway with the rotating blades? This one has several of them and all are spinning in different positions. Each one has a circle where you can throw your axe at and freeze it. The gist of this room is to freeze them one by one until all of them are aligned in a single line. This allows you and Atreus to run past them. Very simple!

In this next room you'll be able to see a door locked by some Winds of Hel. There's only one of them and you need two. If you check in the next hallway you'll find more spinning blades, but these have wind holders on them. Bring the Winds of Hel back in the room in here and put them in the holder on the first blade. This will make it go up and down. Wait for it to go down and take the winds out. Place the winds in the holder to the side and this will make the first blade start going around the hallway. Wait for it to be on top to take it out and place it back in the holder outside the hallway.

Back inside the hallway, go past the first blade and you'll see two more rotating blades going left and right, as well as a third one going up and down. Take out the Winds of Hel from the top spinning blade and place it in one of the holders outside to reveal a Legendary Chest [21/26] with Hyperion Grapple Heavy Runic Attack inside.

This is weird because, for the longest time, we couldn't find a single Heavy Runic Attack for our Blades of Chaos, and now we're getting them left and right all over the place! Return inside and now you need to synchronize the left-right blades so that you can go through. In this room you can find some pots with healing to the left, a Lore Marker [27/37], a Cipher Chest with Symbol of Fervor, and what you came here for, the chain!

Go ahead and break the chain to reveal a pillar in the middle of the room and a couple rifts with enemies coming out of them. You'll have some Draugrs come out of the rifts, which isn't a big deal, but there are two flamethrowers on the pillar, one on each side, and a Fierce Ogre. You know the drill by now! Fight the Ogre first with your bare hands and Atreus' Light arrows until you can ride it and start hitting all the Draugrs around. The fire won't damage you while riding the Ogre, so kill as many Draugr as you can.

After the fight, it'll be time to backtrack, but you'll notice that the trap hallway has changed and there will be less spinning blades. In the previous room, however, more rifts appear, making Heavy Draugr appear. Ugh. There's a central pillar with some flamethrowers so be careful and stay wary of their location. Proceed to the starting room and go south this time. There's another hallway with some traps. This time we have large weights coming down. The secret in this one is to freeze on top the middle weight so that you can run across.

In the next room you can find a coffin with Bracers of the World Serpent and Hardened Svartalfheim Steel +1. In the next hallway you can find some more weights, but this one is a bit different. They don't go all the up. What you need to do is grab a red sap cluster from the previous room and throw it underneath the first weight. Afterwards, shoot it with a Thunder arrow and you'll break the floor, making the first weight go all the way down.

Now get on top of it and as it goes up, the second weight goes down. The third weight moves the same as the first, so use this opportunity to run into the final room. In here you can read another Lore Marker [28/37] and open up another Cipher Chest with Symbol of Truth inside.

Break the chain now and a couple of rifts appear once again. This time, a pair of Hel Travelers. There's one with a shield and one without it. Focus on the one without the shield and using your bare hands and Atreus' Light arrows. Take advantage of his higher speed to separate them and kill it as soon as possible. The Shield Traveler is exactly the same as always. There will also be a pillar with flamethrowers just like before, so fight around them. After the fight, you'll have some Hel Reavers and Hel Archers in the next room that will run towards you through the hallway. Throw your axe to freeze the middle weight and cross the hallway.

You'll have to fight many more Hel Reavers/Archers, and then a pair of Hel Vikens. Nothing to worry about to be honest. Return to the middle room and go up the elevator. Approach the rune and flip the whole place!

  • NEW OBJECTIVE Return to the Realm Travel Room

From the rune, simply look to the wall on the left to find a place where we can climb.

As you climb, Atreus speaks of Tyr's tests and it seems like he's finally back to his old self. I'm happy to see that! Go inside the Travel Room at the top and collect the shiny object in here. We'll find a black travel stone, which is the Unity Stone. Picking this up and watching the scene brings this chapter to an end!

Dark Realm: Lord of the Winds Walkthrough
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher
Dark Realm: Lord of the Winds Walkthrough
* OS: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
* CPU: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or Higher

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* Hover over the inventory to review your current inventory items or to take and use them in specific scenes.

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* Access the map to find out locations with active objectives and to quickly travel to any location.
* Use your Journal for additional help with puzzles and tasks.
* From the menu you can leave the game, adjust the volume plus the display mode and change the difficulty of the game.
* Your pointer changes to a magnifying glass when you can take a closer look at something.

Dark Realms Lord Of The Winds Walkthrough 1

* When you can interact with something, the pointer changes to a pointing hand.
* When your pointer changes to a hand, you can pick up an object, click the tile to take it.
* Glints show areas of interest, An eye icon appears when you can examine an area closer.
* The arrow indicates that you can move to another location.
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